
Vladimir Zajac

  • Designation: Formerly scientist at the Cancer Research Institute, BMC, SAS, SAV
  • Country: Slovakia
  • Title: Intestinal Tract, as the Main Reservoir of Viruses After Overcoming Infections. A New Approach to Eliminating Viruses


Large amounts of the novel coronavirus are still being detected in sewage worldwide even though the epidemic is already declining. What is the explanation? New and new variants of the new coronavirus are appearing. Where do they come from? From China or Hong Kong? AnchorHow about the most common one - the flu virus. It threatens people in autumn and winter, then disappears. Where? And it will return in autumn.

We do not yet know adequate answers to these questions.

Every virus is a parasite that cannot exist independently and is fully dependent on its carrier. This is the primary condition of its existence.  AnchorThe parasite must have its host and thus is a living cell.  AnchorAnchor Based on many years of work with BLV in stables, I concluded that the virus carrier is a bacterial cell. We tested this assumption and confirmed it with the results. This idea was then tested on the HIV model in Prof. Flossie Wong-Staal's laboratory (UCSD). AnchorWith this model, too, we proved that its host can be bacteria and yeasts of the intestinal tract. Evidence was confirmed at the DNA level and the protein level.

Similarly, we monitored the presence of novel coronavirus in the intestinal tract of infected individuals. AnchorRectal swabs were taken from 30 people who overcame infection with the new coronavirus two-four weeks ago. The results show that in the vast majority of patients (83%) who have overcome the infection, the virus is still present in their intestinal tract. Anchor can induce a de novo infection in a patient and infect others. Only five patients (17%) did not show signs of the new coronavirus even 28 days after infection. Carriers of the new coronavirus have not yet been identified.

AnchorViruses can exist in these carriers for months or years, reproducing and mutating in them. The mutant can arise in one individual and pass on to other individuals. Anchor In the case of variant Omicron, a longer time is needed before 30 mutations could occur in the spike protein. It can be assumed that this amount of mutations can occur between 10 and 20 years. The predecessor of Omicron can be dated back to the first SARS-1 epidemic.

Based on these results, it was concluded that many, if not all, viruses can be transmitted by bacteria, yeast, or another unicellular organism. AnchorAfter each viral infection, a part of the virus in most infected people passes into the intestinal tract hidden in carriers, its biggest weakness. By identifying the carrier and its subsequent elimination, we will also destroy the virus. Anchor

AnchorThe viral load localized in the intestinal tract is thus constantly increasing worldwide, which represents a biological time bomb for the human population, as it will be the source of an increase in diseases, including cancer.

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